Wednesday 15 May 2019

Getting back on the horse

After a really good start to the year I had a bit of hiatus in twitching as we spent 4 weeks in Northern California. Coming back there has been lots to catch up on. I had already been out and about and got a lot of the commoner migrants such as this reed warbler and yellow wagtail.

A surprise was a pair of black terns which dropped into the aquadrome and caused a quick trip away from getting the garden back into some sort of shape.

 This was on the same day as a pair of stilts dropping into a local reserve adding another year-tick. Again they were a one day wonder though if you read my next post you will see this was a bit of an amuse bouche!

Finally a trip to Norfolk added three classic Spring migrants. A trip of 6 dotterel were in their favourite field inland from Titchwell. They were really difficult to pick out in the stony field and I was glad someone helped me find them. Can you find 5 in the last photo?

There was also a pair of Temmincks stints on the scrape at Cley. These are tiny waders but fortunately were reasonably close to the hide!

 Finally a pair of wood sandpipers were on the new pools west of Wells. This was a new reserve for me and it looks very good. Easy access and a pair of shallow pools just inside the seawall. Lots of waders already there including redshank, avocet and common sandpiper and some clearly nesting already.
The wood sandpipers were very elusive though and kept to the reedy margins so the photos are a bit iffy to say the least. Still, a week after getting back the year list is on its way again though I'll struggle to catch up.

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