Tuesday 30 July 2013

A river runs through it

On our second day at the ranch the non-riders decided to try their hand at fishing (and watching the fishing!). So, an early start with Shane from the ranch saw us driving over the valley to pick up two fishing guides, some rods and waders and setoff for a river to get some trout. Neither me nor Yoss had ever fly-fished before so the start was some lessons in casting.
Followed by some serious fishing in a pretty fast flowing river. We then moved onto a nice small lake in the hills. Wouldn't say we decimated the fish stocks and we both caught our fair share of trees but a good time was had by all.

Back at the ranch after the customary few beers I had a walk out to watch the sunset - always spectacular - and found another great-horned owl lurking around. Apparently they are commonest N.American owl and 4 pairs hunt around the ranch!!!

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